Thursday, December 22, 2016

A Change Is Gonna Come

I don't actually have anything this month to talk about concerning chronology. What I will talk about is the changes that I'm going to be making here at Historical Sherlock Headquarters.

I enjoy bringing this blog to you every month, but I feel like it needs to be updated and rearranged a bit. As such, I am experimenting with various fonts, layouts, color combinations, etc. trying to come up with something that will serve my purpose here even better. Of course, the content is what it's all about, so that won't change in the least. I will still write about nothing but Sherlock Holmes and the chronology of his Canon, and anything related to it no matter how small or seemingly insignificant. To add to that, I am looking at adding one or two small features just keep your appetites whetted between Posts.

Also, I'm going to find a place to put my logo in each Post.

My intention is to have all of these plans in place at the start of the new year, and I don't believe that will be a problem. I already have one change in mind for the Facebook Posts, one that will increase their number. No longer will you have to sit on the edge of your seat rocking back and forth chewing your nails wondering when the next bit of Sherlockian chronology info will arrive to feed your hungry mind.

So, look forward to a new and even better blog. I promise it won't be flashy or filled with ads. And I am not technically savvy enough to have RSS feeds or streaming live broadcasts. It will just be a simple, yet better-looking, place to visit and read the ramblings about my favorite subject.

Thank you all so much for your patronage, the Comments and Likes, and the topic ideas and questions that have been sent via Messenger or email. While I do this for my own pleasure, it would be nothing if I couldn't share it with someone.

See you next month.